Code Expected result
about:blank opened in new tab
about:blank opened in new tab
webScenarioWindowOpenRegularLinkMultipleTimes about:blank opened in new window or tab
(via target)
webScenarioWindowOpenWithJavaScriptInHref about:blank opened in a new window or tab
(via on a <a href>)
about:blank opened in a new window or tab
(via in a onclick)
about:blank page opened in new window or tab
(via assignment to window.location.href)
about:blank page opened in new window or tab
(via Meta-Refresh in new window)
externalURLScenarioWindowOpenTitleUpdatedOnSlowPages Delayed delivery page opened in new tab
Open a window and set window.location after reading title
Open a window and call location.assign on it
webScenarioWindowOpenBlankTargetWithImmediateClose Open a window with target=_blank that immediately closes itself
webScenarioWindowOpenWithDelayedClose Open a window that closes itself after two seconds
Trying to close the current window should fail.